Translation of the Holy Quran by Dr. Gilani


Smoke  -  Chapter 44                |                                     Contains 59 Verses – Mecca   


 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ


In the Name of God, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful  ذ




Haa – Meem    1

وَالْكِتَابِ الْمُبِينِ



Consider the importance of the Book (the Quran) which clarifies and explains.

إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةٍ مُّبَارَكَةٍ إِنَّا كُنَّا مُنذِرِينَ



We sent it (the Quran) down on a blessed night;
as We have always been warning and awakening (humankind).

فِيهَا يُفْرَقُ كُلُّ أَمْرٍ حَكِيمٍ



In it, all subjects of wisdom have been explained and decreed (commanded).

أَمْرًا مِّنْ عِندِنَا إِنَّا كُنَّا مُرْسِلِينَ



As a Command from Us, just as We have been sending (Messages via Messengers),

رَحْمَةً مِّن رَّبِّكَ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ



(This Quran is sent to you) As a Mercy and Grace from your Lord; as indeed He is All Hearing, All Knowing,

رَبِّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا إِن كُنتُم مُّوقِنِينَ



He is the Lord of the Heavens and the earth and all that is between them, as you should be a believer with certainty.

لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ يُحْيِي وَيُمِيتُ رَبُّكُمْ وَرَبُّ آبَائِكُمُ الْأَوَّلِينَ



There is no one worthy of worship except Him, Who gives life and causes death.
Your True Lord and The Lord of your forefathers.

بَلْ هُمْ فِي شَكٍّ يَلْعَبُونَ



But (instead of realizing this), they are in doubt and wasting their time playing (with idols)

فَارْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِي السَّمَاء بِدُخَانٍ مُّبِينٍ



So wait for the Day when the sky will turn into an obvious smoke,

يَغْشَى النَّاسَ هَذَا عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ



Covering the people; this shall be (a sign of) the coming painful suffering (for evil persons).

رَبَّنَا اكْشِفْ عَنَّا الْعَذَابَ إِنَّا مُؤْمِنُونَ



(At which time they will say:) “Our Lord, Please take away the punishment from us, as we now are believers”.

أَنَّى لَهُمُ الذِّكْرَى وَقَدْ جَاءهُمْ رَسُولٌ مُّبِينٌ



Of what use is any such statement for them then, whereas a Messenger who clarified the truth,
had come to them before (and they did not listen to him).

ثُمَّ تَوَلَّوْا عَنْهُ وَقَالُوا مُعَلَّمٌ مَّجْنُونٌ



On the contrary they turned away from him and said:
“He is a man, who was taught something by someone and he is a madman.”

إِنَّا كَاشِفُو الْعَذَابِ قَلِيلًا إِنَّكُمْ عَائِدُونَ



We shall keep the torment away (from your disbelievers yet)
for a little while (in this world to give you a chance to repent); but you tend to go back (to disbelief).

يَوْمَ نَبْطِشُ الْبَطْشَةَ الْكُبْرَى إِنَّا مُنتَقِمُونَ



The Day when We seize (sinful people) by the Great Seizure,
We shall be giving them in fact the retaliation (for their sinful behavior).

وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا قَبْلَهُمْ قَوْمَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَجَاءهُمْ رَسُولٌ كَرِيمٌ



And We did test the people of the Pharaoh before them, when a noble Messenger (Moses) came to them.

أَنْ أَدُّوا إِلَيَّ عِبَادَ اللَّهِ إِنِّي لَكُمْ رَسُولٌ أَمِينٌ



Saying: “Deliver the servants of God to me, I am truly a trustworthy Messenger (of God) for you.”

وَأَنْ لَّا تَعْلُوا عَلَى اللَّهِ إِنِّي آتِيكُم بِسُلْطَانٍ مُّبِينٍ



“And that you should not raise yourselves against God.
I have truly come to you with an evident miracle and sign of authority (from God).”

وَإِنِّي عُذْتُ بِرَبِّي وَرَبِّكُمْ أَن تَرْجُمُونِ



“And I really seek protection from my Lord and your Lord, that you shall not stone me.”

وَإِنْ لَّمْ تُؤْمِنُوا لِي فَاعْتَزِلُونِ



“And if you do not believe me, then at least leave me alone.”

فَدَعَا رَبَّهُ أَنَّ هَؤُلَاء قَوْمٌ مُّجْرِمُونَ



He (Moses) then called upon his Lord, saying: “These are really an evil-doing people.”

فَأَسْرِ بِعِبَادِي لَيْلًا إِنَّكُم مُّتَّبَعُونَ



(We ordered him): “Move my servants away by night, because you shall be pursued.”

وَاتْرُكْ الْبَحْرَ رَهْوًا إِنَّهُمْ جُندٌ مُّغْرَقُونَ



“And cross and leave the sea while it is calm.
They (the Pharaoh-people) are an army, who are destined to be drowned.”

كَمْ تَرَكُوا مِن جَنَّاتٍ وَعُيُونٍ



How many gardens and spring-wells that they left behind,

وَزُرُوعٍ وَمَقَامٍ كَرِيمٍ



And green crop-fields and splendid palaces of residence,

وَنَعْمَةٍ كَانُوا فِيهَا فَاكِهِينَ



And other blessings which they were enjoying.

كَذَلِكَ وَأَوْرَثْنَاهَا قَوْمًا آخَرِينَ



So it was.
And We made other people inherit them.

فَمَا بَكَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ السَّمَاء وَالْأَرْضُ وَمَا كَانُوا مُنظَرِينَ



And neither the sky, nor the earth shed any tears for them, nor were they given any other chance.

وَلَقَدْ نَجَّيْنَا بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ الْمُهِينِ



And indeed We did save the Children of Israel from the humiliating suffering, (inflicted on them),

مِن فِرْعَوْنَ إِنَّهُ كَانَ عَالِيًا مِّنَ الْمُسْرِفِينَ



From the Pharaoh, He truly was one of the most arrogant, among those who go way beyond their limits.

وَلَقَدِ اخْتَرْنَاهُمْ عَلَى عِلْمٍ عَلَى الْعَالَمِينَ



And We chose them (the Children of Israel) above all others because of granting them knowledge.

وَآتَيْنَاهُم مِّنَ الْآيَاتِ مَا فِيهِ بَلَاء مُّبِينٌ



And We granted them also some of the advices and instructions, which contained obvious test and trial.

إِنَّ هَؤُلَاء لَيَقُولُونَ



And (now) these people (of Mecca) keep saying:

إِنْ هِيَ إِلَّا مَوْتَتُنَا الْأُولَى وَمَا نَحْنُ بِمُنشَرِينَ



“There is nothing after our first and only death and we will not be resurrected to life again.”

فَأْتُوا بِآبَائِنَا إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ



“Then bring our ancestor back if you (Muhammad) are being truthful (about the resurrection).”

أَهُمْ خَيْرٌ أَمْ قَوْمُ تُبَّعٍ وَالَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ أَهْلَكْنَاهُمْ إِنَّهُمْ كَانُوا مُجْرِمِينَ



Are they any better or the people of Tubba’ and those before them, which We destroyed?
They were indeed similarly sinful.

وَمَا خَلَقْنَا السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا لَاعِبِينَ



And (they should know) that We did not create the heavens and the earth and all that is in between them for play.

مَا خَلَقْنَاهُمَا إِلَّا بِالْحَقِّ وَلَكِنَّ أَكْثَرَهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ



We did create them only to manifest the Truth, yet most of them are not aware of that.

إِنَّ يَوْمَ الْفَصْلِ مِيقَاتُهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ



Certainly the Day of Separation (of truth from falsehood at Resurrection)
will be the predetermined gathering time for all of them.

يَوْمَ لَا يُغْنِي مَوْلًى عَن مَّوْلًى شَيْئًا وَلَا هُمْ يُنصَرُونَ



The Day when a close friend or relative can be of no help to another, nor will they be helped any other way.

إِلَّا مَن رَّحِمَ اللَّهُ إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الرَّحِيمُ



Except on whom God will have Mercy; since He Alone is the Almighty, the Most Merciful (to the good ones).

إِنَّ شَجَرَةَ الزَّقُّومِ



As a matter of fact, the Zaqqoom tree (of Hell),

طَعَامُ الْأَثِيمِ



Will be the food for the very sinful people,

كَالْمُهْلِ يَغْلِي فِي الْبُطُونِ



it will be like a boiling oil, which will boil around inside their bellies,

كَغَلْيِ الْحَمِيمِ



Like the boiling feeling of scalding hot water.

خُذُوهُ فَاعْتِلُوهُ إِلَى سَوَاء الْجَحِيمِ



(It will be commanded by God): “Seize him, then drag him into the middle of The Blazing Hellfire”.

ثُمَّ صُبُّوا فَوْقَ رَأْسِهِ مِنْ عَذَابِ الْحَمِيمِ



“Then pour over his head the suffering from the boiling water (of despair).”

ذُقْ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَزِيزُ الْكَرِيمُ



(They will be told:)
“Taste this now, you who supposedly were in high power and noble (during your lifetime on earth)”.

إِنَّ هَذَا مَا كُنتُم بِهِ تَمْتَرُونَ 



“This is of course what you kept on having doubt about”.

 إِنَّ الْمُتَّقِينَ فِي مَقَامٍ أَمِينٍ



The pious, God-conscious people will certainly be in a safe place and in state of security (in Paradise),

فِي جَنَّاتٍ وَعُيُونٍ



Inside Gardens and Springs,

يَلْبَسُونَ مِن سُندُسٍ وَإِسْتَبْرَقٍ مُّتَقَابِلِينَ



Dressed in fine silk and heavy brocade, facing each other as friends

كَذَلِكَ وَزَوَّجْنَاهُم بِحُورٍ عِينٍ



So it will be, and We shall unite them with fair looking lovely-eyed ones.

يَدْعُونَ فِيهَا بِكُلِّ فَاكِهَةٍ آمِنِينَ



There they order all kinds of fruits, which they will receive, while being safe and secure.

لَا يَذُوقُونَ فِيهَا الْمَوْتَ إِلَّا الْمَوْتَةَ الْأُولَى وَوَقَاهُمْ عَذَابَ الْجَحِيمِ



There They will never taste death anymore, after their previous death (on earth)
and so He has already saved them from the suffering of the Blazing Hell-Fire.

فَضْلًا مِّن رَّبِّكَ ذَلِكَ هُوَ الْفَوْزُ الْعَظِيمُ



That is a real favor from your Lord; that is the supreme success.

فَإِنَّمَا يَسَّرْنَاهُ بِلِسَانِكَ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَذَكَّرُونَ



So We have made this (Quran) easy to understand in your tongue,
so that they may remember and take it to their hearts.

فَارْتَقِبْ إِنَّهُم مُّرْتَقِبُونَ



Then just wait (for the result), they are also waiting (for what will happen to them)


n abbreviation from the Most Praised God, the Most Magnificent .-. v



"Quran Verse 25 chapter 57"
"We sent Our messengers with explanations, and sent down along with them the Book and the Balance, so that people will rise up for justice"

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Translated and maintained by Dr. Abdollah Gilani